As one of the most popular children’s clothing stores in Lebanon, Zahar Kids continues to provide loyal customers and new visitors with exclusive and luxurious international brands such as DKNY, Karl Lagerfeld, Micheal Kors, Ralph Lauren, Boss, Petit Bateau, Kissy Kissy, Billieblush and Mayoral among many others. Known for its quality threads and variety, the shop has 8 branches spread across Lebanon spanning from the North of the country to the South, as well as 3 stores in the KSA. With over 75 years of experience, the retailer has been the choice destination for kids’ clothing for generations of shoppers.
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Magasins d'exploitation
LIBAN: ABC Achrafieh, ABC Dbayeh, Saida, Tripoli, Beirut City Center, Beirut Souks, ABC Verdun, Fassouh Outlet
KSA: Red Sea Mall, Mall of Arabia, Granada Mall